Mal die Stimmung anheizen hier.
Soweit ich weiss habens Edi und ich bereits
vorbestellt. Vielleicht finden sich ja noch eion paar
damit wir ein schlagkraeftiges Squad bilden
Der Thread hier soll Infos und Videos zum Spiel
Riesenhaufen neuer Infos. Hilft wenn ihr des
englischen maechtig seid. Absolut Hammer. Der MP wird
mal wieder sowas von geil!
Ah, killstreaks. Crap players only see (or feel)
them, while good ones dish them out. MW2 brings a
whole bunch of new killstreak goodness for you to eat
and/or dole out. Surely you remember the goodl ol\\\'
UAV radar that comes with 3 consecutive kills. That
is now followed by a new one that comes with 4 kills
in a row, called \\\"care packages.\\\" These air
drops actually fall somewhat randomly, and you\\\'ll
have to watch out, because the enemy can also pick
them up. Sometimes it\\\'s more ammo, but you can
also potentially nab any of the available
killstreaks. Get lucky and you\\\'ll getone of the
better ones for a much lower killstreak \\\"cost.\\\"
Speaking of the better ones, 5 kills brings about the
awesome Predator Missile, which you control from your
laptop, from out in the field. On your laptop,
you\\\'ll see an overhead view; it lets you guide the
damage to wherever you\\\'d like. If you\\\'re one of
the \\\"good ones,\\\" you\\\'ll get 11 kills in a
row, letting you tear up the battlefield from the sky
from an AC 130. I\\\'ve never felt that joy, but
I\\\'m glad to know that someday I may, thanks to the
random drops in the care packages.
Perks and accessibility:
They added a ton of perks, of course. I didn\\\'t get
the opportunity to see all of them -- I was too busy
being killed -- but the ones I saw were cool. Bling
gives you more weapon holding power, while Scavenger
lets you rummage through the bodies on the
battlefield for goodies.
Increases in accessibility were more obvious to me as
a less than great player. I really appreciate that
they\\\'ve worked to help level the playing field in
MW2. Just as killstreaks give you help when you\\\'re
good, Deathstreaks give you help when you suck. One
of my favorites, Copycat, actually gives you, the
crap player, the the rank, weapons, and abilities of
that guy that just took you out in the Kill Cam.
Revenge is sweet. One that helped me out the most is
Painkiller. It gives you a nice spawning health boost
to help keep the heat off of you.
Game play tweaks:
During my few hours of hands-on time, I noticed some
neat changes in how things work. First off, your
secondary weapon is no longer limited to pistols and
the like. Load up a missile launcher if you wish. You
snipery assholes can tote around double the sniping
power if you wish now. Speaking of weapons, the new
riot shield counts as one. I found that I was so busy
watching my front with it equipped that my ass was an
open target. I\\\'m sure it\\\'s cool, though.
Your other grenade slot has become an all-purpose
slot now. Sure, you can still put frag grenades and
the like in that slot, but I\\\'d bet some of the fun
new additions would suit you better. The Tactical
Insertion flares can be dropped anywhere on the map.
Should they remain untouched, you\\\'ll actually
spawn at the drop point. This adds some very
interesting strategy. Got a favorite spot? Use this
flare and you\\\'ll man it more easily. An early
favorite use for this slot is the previously
mentioned throwing knives. Media people at the event
were having a blast working to take out enemies
without bullets. A kill with the throwing knife is
somehow both gratifying and hilarious.
We only saw three last night. I\\\'m sure Infinity
Ward is sitting on the good stuff, but the three we
saw were fantastic.
\\\"Favela\\\" is set in the somewhat slummy Rio de
Janeiro. Doorless broken down buildings provide
plenty of hiding places, as do dark, muddy alleyways.
There\\\'s not a lot of open space in this mazelike
map, leaving you to find yourself in close quarters,
and highly likely to find a surprise right around the
\\\"Highrise\\\" starts you off amongst sky scrapers
that appear to be in the middle of construction. It
isn\\\'t a map with high vantage points for sniping,
as you\\\'d probably imagine from its name. Instead,
you\\\'ll be ducking around temporary walls and
office windows, trying to find out where the hell
that gunfire is coming from.
\\\"Afghan\\\" is perhaps the most stunning of the
three. Set in the desert, you\\\'ll run around an
amazing centerpiece: a blown up airplane. This
isn\\\'t the flat desert you\\\'re imagining, though.
While there is wide-open spaces, broken plane
sections provide cover. You\\\'ll need that cover, as
the surrounding hillsides provide ample places for
snipers to pick off the slow and unfocused.
Surely you\\\'ve heard that Capture the Flag is back.
It is, and it\\\'s good. We played that, Team
Deathmatch, and two other modes. \\\"Domination\\\"
is a flag-happy, chaotic mode that has you either
nabbing as many enemy flags as you can, or working to
block the enemy from doing the same to you. My
favorite new mode, \\\"Demolition,\\\" is much more
explosive -- literally. Teams take turns: one team
defends while the other attacks a couple of bomb
points on a map. The offensive team is trying to blow
up both points in a set amount of time. If they do,
they score a point. Defensive, of course, is working
to protect those bomb points. Then you switch. The
team that has the most points after two rounds wins.
This promotes team play and gives clear objectives,
making for a nice change from the typical deathmatch.